Strata Athletics
How we made content that doubled the recruitment of a youth basketball league.
The Challenge
Strata Athletics is a youth sports program with a unique twist to their coaching program: They emphasize character building above anything else.
Because the program had excellent results with the students, they knew they had a solid program, but it was time to expand. They needed a way to recruit more young athletes to the program, which is why they approached HXM.
Our 6-Step Launch Process
Step 1: Discovery
By the end of a 2-hour Discovery session with the Strata Athletics marketing team, we uncovered some key insights:
Although kids are the players, but we must market toward the parents
Emphasizing character building is the most important
Step 2: Research
After our discovery, we did extensive research into the basketball program market and current trends.
Research Insights:
If programs aren’t fun, students tend to not return the next year
Tapping into the emotions of the viewer would be key
Getting student testimonials would be important
Step 3: Buildout
We used what we learned in our discovery and research to drive our pre-production creative decisions such as script and equipment choices.
Step 4: Production
We prioritize the student and parent viewers throughout the production as we captured content. Our research guided the way we directed actors, determined locations, and how we made our cinematography choices.
Step 5: Data Driven Post-Production
By using the latest data-driven insights we were able to maximize the editorial choices with the end goal in mind.
For example, this guided our decision in making the music and sound design playful all while building to an epic conclusion.
Step 6: Deployment and Analysis
Making any necessary adjustments to creative assets after we launch and analyze audience feedback.
In order to the create a successful campaign, we identified what was necessary to build trust and excitement with the viewer.
In order to create the strongest marketing funnel, we built a social content package that included Instagram reels and professional photography along with the Strata Athletics recruitment video.
The Results